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10 Reasons to Record Your Life (1 Second Everyday)

Posted on:
April 23, 2013
March 17, 2024

I was writing a post with a similar title, and soon after I started writing I realised that each of the 10 reasons deserved a post on its own. So, before this whole idea becomes too old, I'm going to briefly describe the 10 reasons, and hopefully every now and then I'll develop each of the ideas into a post of their own.

  1. Increases Self and Social Awareness. What do you do, who do you do it with. How often do you see people in your network? This is a good way to bring those stats to life. Who knows, you could probably get inspired by your video, and pursue other crazy ideas like meeting with all people from your network.
  2. Journal for Positive Events. Our society is programmed to look at the downside of things. You're never good enough, you don't have enough. Perhaps you'll think otherwise after doing this.
  3. See Life Events for What They Are (Not What You Thought They Were). Isolating moments from the past and the future, allows you to see the moments for what they are and without any context. Some of the moments you recorded will trigger emotions, some won't and if they don't, did they really matter?
  4. Bad is the New Good, Good is Great. I have recorded a few bad moments of my life so bad. I can't help but smile while looking at them. It turns out, they were not that bad.
  5. Procrastinate Never Again. Nothing cool to put on your video? Think again! you can go wash the dishes or cycle to the beach with your friends after a busy day at work, both deserve a video!
  6. Everyday Counts. Today is the (113th day of the year), which means that I have 114 sec video already (this wasn't the kind of information I had on my head before).
  7. You Can't Fake It (Or you fake it, till you make it). When you decide to cycle to the beach to look cool, you are the one that cycles, you are the one that is on the beach, you are the one that records the video. At the end you were the one that got enrolled into making this video thing.
  8. Get To Know Yourself. It turns out I'm not as cool as I thought as was (now I can change it); it turns out I'm happier than I thought I was.
  9. You Inspire People. I have inspired 4 people to do it (I always give credit to Cesar Kuriyama, he might have inspired thousands, I'm just helping).
  10. Tests Your Discipline. It takes a lot of it!

BONUS (from Cesar Kuriyama in his TED video):

  1. Don't forget a day that you've lived. Just before publishing this post I went and look Cesar's TED video. It turns out that we don't have the same motivations for the video, which is great, because we get to expand the concept.

Although most of the ideas are self descriptive. I'll be sharing personal insight on those topics and cross-reference them with readings I've made.ABOUT 1 SECOND EVERYDAY: Cesar Kuriyama (@cesarkuriyama) published his "1 Second Everyday" last year (2012) and I decided I'd do the same starting on December 31st to experience the experiment.Cesar published an iPhone app named "1 Second Everyday" to allow anyone edit video with ease.

About the Author

Edgar is a Design Thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, Australia. His works extend a wide variety of company sizes, industries and sectors. You can check his Eddy's Portfolio, contact him for Mentoring or just to talk shop.

Reach out

Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.