Eddy's Resources

Helping transform your Ideas into Impactful Designs

Your hub for innovative product design. Discover our curated guides, templates, and reviews to enhance your design skills and user experience. Beginner or pro, here you can find some tools to stimulate your creativity and elevate your design process. Start your journey towards impactful, user-friendly solutions today.

Product Design Spec Canvas

Your Digital Guide to Innovative Design

Discover the Change Spec Canvas, your interactive design guide for creating high-impact, user-friendly products. Ready to reduce your documentation effort and boost shared understanding? Step this way.

Product Design Spec Canvas

Your Digital Guide to Innovative Design

Discover the Change Spec Canvas, your interactive design guide for creating high-impact, user-friendly products. Ready to reduce your documentation effort and boost shared understanding? Step this way.

PURE / Expert Review

A Deep Dive into Heuristic and PURE Reviews

Immerse yourself in our comprehensive guide on heuristic evaluations and PURE reviews to refine your UX skills. This resource takes you from understanding the core principles of usability testing to actively applying them with our adaptable templates. Improve your designs, save time, and make your user's life easy.

PURE / Expert Review

A Deep Dive into Heuristic and PURE Reviews

Immerse yourself in our comprehensive guide on heuristic evaluations and PURE reviews to refine your UX skills. This resource takes you from understanding the core principles of usability testing to actively applying them with our adaptable templates. Improve your designs, save time, and make your user's life easy.

Persona Template

Meet Your Users!

Step into your users' shoes using our insightful Persona Template. It guides you in capturing comprehensive user characteristics and needs, bringing you one step closer to designing the ideal solution for them.

Persona Template

Meet Your Users!

Step into your users' shoes using our insightful Persona Template. It guides you in capturing comprehensive user characteristics and needs, bringing you one step closer to designing the ideal solution for them.

Design Sprint

Revolutionize Your Design Sprint

Want to revolutionize your design process? Our resource provides a deep dive into each stage of a design sprint, offering a wealth of knowledge to help you plan, execute, and review your work like a pro.

Design Sprint

Revolutionize Your Design Sprint

Want to revolutionize your design process? Our resource provides a deep dive into each stage of a design sprint, offering a wealth of knowledge to help you plan, execute, and review your work like a pro.

Heuristic Frameworks

UX Uncovered

Heuristic evaluation frameworks - your compass for navigating the dynamic realm of UX Design. Discover, apply, and evolve with these strategic guidelines to create compelling digital interfaces.

Heuristic Frameworks

UX Uncovered

Heuristic evaluation frameworks - your compass for navigating the dynamic realm of UX Design. Discover, apply, and evolve with these strategic guidelines to create compelling digital interfaces.

Reach out

Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.