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Deberías Saber (You Should Know)

Posted on:
September 9, 2014
March 17, 2024

When I was 21, I happened to write my first song (or second one; I've always had trouble date-timing my songs due to their start/completion dates). The song, narrates the cumbersome tale of a young man (me) who fell in love with allegedly the wrong woman (today a really nice person, but back in the day, it didn't seem that way... and that the story is a picturesque and ironic rather than an accurate portrayal of reality).This song was a milestone in my life, since it might have been the one song that manage to make it to some of my friend's iPods/iPhones, played in the radio and made somebody once recognize me on the streets. It was because of this song that I actually kept writing as it made me think that it was possible to make music and lyrics that people could eventually like.I wrote it initially in spanish, and today... I know that at least you can sing along the chorus in english and german.In this post you will find the music by tracks, so that in case you'd like it you translate it to another language, or maybe play the bass, drums or guitar better than I did (far from being challenging) you can do it. But first the lyrics and files.


Deberías SaberYou Should KnowSi supieras que la luna es el reflejo de tus sueños.Si supieras que los sueños son la voz de los deseos.Me tendrías cerca de tí;No me habrías dejado ir.Si supieras que la amor tiene una magia afrodisiaca,no te hubieras asustado ni salido de mi cama.Y me tendrías cerca de tí;No te habrías podido ir.Pero así fue: tu te largaste,y me dejaste solo otra vez.Y ahora tengo que dormir,la cama es grande para mi.Si supieras que el dormir trae consigo tus recuerdos,y que el amanecer está repleto de lamentos;No podría quedarme aquí,voy corriendo junto a ti.Pero otra vez, tu te largaste,y me dejaste solo otra vez.Y ahora tengo que dormir,la cama es grande para mi solo.If you knew that the moon portray your dreams.If you knew that dreams are desire's own voice.You'd have me close to you;You wouldn't have let me go.If you knew that love is an aphrodisiac kind of magic,you wouldn't have gotten scared and fled my bed.And you'd have me close to you;You wouldn't have walked away.But that you did: you walked away from me,you left me all alone once again.Now I have no choice but sleep,and there's too much room in my bed.If you knew that sleeping brings back your memories,and that dawn is filled with wail;I couldn't stay put,I'm running after you.But once again, you walked away from me,you left me all alone once again.Now I have no choice but sleep,and there's too much room in my bed for me only.[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

Download the tracks:

Track FilesVoiceVoice 1Voice 2Voice 3Voice 4GuitarGuitar 1Guitar 2Guitar 3Guitar 4BassBassDrumsDrumsSFXTEMPO: 181 BPM


Have Fun!

The intended use the these tracks is to have fun making music, I know that I should retire from singing and that the lyrics are far from intellectual, but what can I say, I'm posting this so that you can make it better! so, go ahead and do it, and post any of your results in the comment section below.Music is copyrighted as is (It's seriously is). But I express my permission to modify it for personal use. For any other use, including commercial, you can contact me first.Last but not least. Here's a video circa 2004:



About the Author

Edgar is a Design Thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, Australia. His works extend a wide variety of company sizes, industries and sectors. You can check his Eddy's Portfolio, contact him for Mentoring or just to talk shop.

Reach out

Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.