Business Development & Presale Support

Leveraging user-centred design and strategic thinking to craft compelling pitch decks that sell.
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During my tenure at KPMG, I had the opportunity to engage in multiple business development projects across various sectors and industries, including Agriculture, Legal and Compliance, Superannuation, Healthcare, Travel and Leisure, and Education. By leveraging my expertise in user-centred design, customer experience, and strategic design, I contributed to the development of successful pitch decks, resulting in an impressive efficiency rate of over 65% for each presentation.


Reviewing Tender Documentation

In each business development engagement, the first step involved thoroughly reviewing the tender documentation provided by prospective clients. This allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of their requirements, objectives, and desired outcomes. By analysing these documents, we identified the key aspects that needed to be addressed in our pitch deck.

Finding Similar Projects and Industry Analysis

To develop a compelling and relevant proposal, we conducted in-depth research to find similar projects that we had previously worked on. This involved studying our past experiences and successful outcomes in the respective sectors or industries. By leveraging this knowledge, we identified best-in-class solutions and practices, as well as critical aspects that aligned with the clients' desired outcomes.

Innovation Framework used to determine structure of new projects.

Performing Gap Analysis

After identifying potential solutions and analysing the industry or sector, we performed a comprehensive gap analysis. This step involved comparing the promised approach and outcomes outlined in the tender documentation to what was procedurally feasible and viable within the given time and budget constraints. By identifying any gaps, we ensured that our proposed solution aligned with the client's expectations while remaining realistic and achievable.

Proofing the Approach

Once we identified the best solutions and addressed any gaps, we proceeded to proof the approach. This step involved validating the proposed solution, ensuring its effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the desired outcomes. We thoroughly assessed the feasibility, scalability, and alignment with the client's requirements to ensure a robust and reliable approach.

Creating an Effective Pitch Deck

The final step in the process was to create a visually appealing and impactful slide deck. We aimed to communicate our proposal verbally and visually with the least amount of words while still providing sufficient substance. By carefully crafting the content, selecting appropriate visuals, and structuring the information effectively, we aimed to engage our audience and leave a lasting impression. The slide deck served as a powerful tool to support our verbal communication during the pitch.


Throughout my work in multiple business development engagements at KPMG, I successfully contributed to the development of compelling pitch decks across diverse sectors and industries. By following a systematic process that included reviewing tender documentation, finding similar projects, performing gap analysis, proofing the approach, and creating effective slide decks, we achieved an outstanding efficiency rate of over 65% for each presentation.

My experience on user-centred design, customer experience, and strategic design allowed me to bring a unique perspective to these engagements. By incorporating these elements into the proposal, we provided clients with solutions that not only addressed their specific needs but also enhanced their overall experience and strengthen our relationship with our clients. The combination of industry analysis, proven solutions, and a visually appealing presentation approach helped us stand out among competitors and secure successful outcomes for our clients regardless of our price point.

I am proud of the results achieved during these engagements and the value I brought to the business development process. Moving forward, I am eager to continue leveraging my skills and expertise to contribute to the growth and success of future projects, providing innovative and tailored solutions that exceed client expectations.

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Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.