Concurrent Project Management and Team Success

Excelling in project management, resource allocation, budget control, and promoting work-life balance for team success.
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As an Associate Director at KPMG, I successfully managed multiple concurrent projects across diverse sectors, including Agriculture, Legal and Compliance, Superannuation, Healthcare, Travel and Leisure, and Education. Through efficient project management practices, I ensured smooth coordination, effective resource allocation, and optimal budget control. By fostering open communication and prioritising work-life balance, I facilitated a conducive environment for high-quality work and the well-being of my team.


Project Assignment and Team Structure

Upon receiving project assignments, I carefully assessed the requirements, scope, and potential overlaps with other projects. I established a structured team hierarchy, with managers reporting to me. Each manager was responsible for a specific project and led a team comprising a senior and a junior designer. This structure allowed for efficient task delegation and ensured that projects had dedicated resources.

This image shows the usual reporting line a given project

Resource Allocation and Time Management

With multiple projects running concurrently, resource allocation was a critical aspect of the process. While managers dedicated their full-time efforts to their respective projects, I, as the Associate Director, allocated 1/5th of my time to each project. This facilitated my involvement in all projects, providing oversight and strategic guidance.

To manage time effectively, we held daily stand-up meetings where each team provided updates on their progress, identified potential challenges, and coordinated efforts. Additionally, we conducted mid-afternoon catch-ups to monitor the projects' overall progress and address any emerging issues promptly. This regular communication ensured that projects remained on track and minimised the risk of tasks falling behind schedule.

Characterisation of how KPMG kept 3 concurrent projects running at all times

Budget Monitoring

Maintaining control over project budgets was crucial to prevent cost overruns and maintain profitability. We implemented a robust system for monitoring project expenditures and compared them to the allocated budgets. By proactively addressing any discrepancies and exploring cost-saving measures, we ensured that projects stayed within the budgetary constraints.

Regular budget reviews allowed us to identify potential areas of overspending or underspending. Adjustments were made accordingly to optimise resource allocation and ensure efficient utilisation of funds. This meticulous monitoring helped us make informed decisions and maintain financial stability throughout the project lifecycle.

Work-Life Balance and Well-being

Simultaneously, we prioritised the well-being and work-life balance of our team members. Recognising the importance of rested and motivated individuals, we aimed to avoid overworking the team or pushing them beyond the project's budgeted hours. This approach prevented burnout, promoted mental well-being, and fostered a positive work environment.

Regular communication and feedback channels were established to address any concerns and ensure that the team members felt supported. We encouraged open dialogue about workload, stress levels, and personal commitments to accommodate individual needs whenever possible. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, we enhanced productivity, job satisfaction, and the overall success of the projects.

The green line depicts an employee that works and rests conscientiously. The orange one depicts an employee that doesn’t rest well enough. If longer work days can produce more outcome, productivity opportunities for the orange employee come in the shape of rework due to tiredness inaccuracies, which could potentially negate the extra hours put into work.


Through effective project management practices, including robust communication, strategic resource allocation, and diligent budget monitoring, I successfully oversaw multiple concurrent projects at KPMG. By establishing a structured team hierarchy, conducting regular catch-ups, and adhering to budgetary constraints, I ensured that projects progressed smoothly and delivered desirable outcomes.

Moreover, prioritising the well-being of the team and maintaining a healthy work-life balance played a crucial role in maintaining a motivated workforce and driving high-quality results. By fostering open communication channels and encouraging feedback, I promoted a supportive environment where team members could thrive.

In a multifaceted environment encompassing sectors such as Agriculture, Legal and Compliance, Superannuation, Healthcare, Travel and Leisure, and Education, the challenges of project management were amplified. However, through careful planning, efficient processes, and continuous monitoring, I successfully navigated these complexities and facilitated successful project execution.

Overall, my portfolio entry exemplifies my ability to manage concurrent projects, ensure optimal resource utilisation, and prioritise the well-being of team members. These experiences have honed my skills in project management, leadership, and fostering collaboration in dynamic environments.

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Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.