Musica Viva

Harmonizing with the User: Striking a Chord in UX Design
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The Musica Viva in Schools project stands as a testament to effective and thoughtful product design and deployment. Despite its challenging complexities, the program was launched across Australia in a timely manner, and required only a minimum of rework and QA fixes during the rollout phase.

The project's success was due in part to the foresight in creating a Business Objectives Sheet that outlined initial targets and allowed for the flexible addition and removal of goals as the product lifecycle evolved. A critical win was the crowdsourcing feature of the app, which was rapidly embraced and integrated into the teaching practices of educators across the nation.

Now, three years after its launch, the web application remains an active and valued tool in schools across Australia. Ongoing updates and revisions, informed by the original roadmap, ensure that the app continues to provide value and evolve with the changing needs of its users.

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Case Studies

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Musica Viva

The Project

The Musica Viva In Schools initiative is one of the most far-reaching music education programs in Australia, engaging roughly 280,000 students each year. At its inception, Hostworks served as the key Design and Software Development partner to Musica Viva.

The Context

As a non-profit organisation, Musica Viva aimed to streamline and automate its communication processes with students, parents, and school officials to reduce operational overhead. The organization also aimed to shift from a traditional model to a crowdsourcing one, aspiring to become an interactive platform for educators to share lessons and learning experiences tied to specific content.

The Role

As the Lead UX Designer, my role was to spearhead the discovery and design phases of the user-centred design process. When I joined the project, there was considerable ambiguity around the project's scale, starting point, and the method of 'downloading' knowledge from subject matter experts. My task was to organise this knowledge effectively to create a commercially viable platform that could be scaled by Musica Viva.

Eddy was a
UX Lead (Consulting)
Musica Viva
where he served from
Adelaide, SA

Scope of Work

Customer Experience
Service Design
Mobile Design
Desktop Design



Daniel G.
General Manager, The Foundry
Musica Viva
Edgar was a productive and creative force in my team for almost a year. He brought a significant level of intellectual scrutiny and refreshing pragmatism to all of the projects with which he was involved. During his time in my team he produced some great work, and developed meaningful relationships with all of his colleagues and our customers. I wish him all the best for his future and have no doubt he will enjoy success wherever he goes.
Michael D.
Musica Viva
Edgar has been a pleasure to work with. He is diligent professional, which allows him to really drill down to a client's core needs, ensuring that by the time development commences, we have a clear understanding of what needs to be built. As a result of his attention to detail, the development process is without friction, meaning that a client can start to see their vision come to life quickly and without need for changes. He will be a great asset and welcome addition to any team he joins in the future!
Shelly V.
Project Manager | Business Analyst
Musica Viva
Having worked with Edgar at Hostworks gave the opportunity to learn about what User experience is all about. He is passionate, creative, enthusiastic and he is happy to share his knowledge with anyone who would listen. He is open to new ideas and always shares his good nature with the people around him, being it customer or team members. Great asset for any company.

Reach out

Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.