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Product Design Spec Canvas
Version 1.0

Product Design Spec Canvas

As I describe it in Product Design Sprints (Scrum) The Change Spec Canvas is going to make you feel like a detective using his/her hotel room to trace a dangerous criminal, with the difference that you are not a detective, but a designer, it is not a hotel room, but a digital board like Mural and you are not chasing a dangerous criminal, but trying to create great, user-centric products.

The Change Spec Canvas is a board, the likes of the Business Model Canvas or the Lean UX Canvas. If you aren't familiar with them, check out the following links.

This board is to be used in conjunction with Sy and Miller's Staggered Sprints approach to document the flow of the design scrum, or small-contained features in kanban or waterfall environments.

They are great from communicating product design rationale between Design, Research Product Management and Development teams, and they will reduce amount of work you put into documentation while increasing the shared understanding at the same time.

For example, when I worked in Carsguide / Autotrader (Kanban) or Canon (Scrum) we used to create boards like this one to move from ambiguity to specification.

Check out these two projects:

Although the canvas didn't exist back then, the layout of both projects digitally remain consistent.

The canvas is divided in 10 different boxes.

Overarching Goal

Products tend to extend multiple sprints or design cycles. This box should contain the mission or a high level goal for the product being designed, and should ideally remain consistent between different boards. For example, if you use 12 different boards for a project that spans 12 different sprints, then this box will remain the same between them.

Personas or Audience

This box should include information about your users. Who they are, and what they do. Bringing the information as close to the scope of a given sprint would be ideal. For example, when designing a e-commerce site, the needs of the user change dramatically from awareness to consideration, to decision, to post-sale, so make sure that information in this box, reflect the needs of that persona in the context of what is being designed.

Design Goals and Principles

There are two kinds of statements to be written in this box.

  • Design goals. Specific to the design cycle scope for example:
  • The user should be able to understand the product range,
  • The user should be able to navigate to a desired product
  • Design principles. Specific to the product as a whole, but specific in a way that affects how you design every aspect of product itself, for example:
  • SEO Friendly
  • Accessibility compliant

Conceptual Flow

The conceptual flow is the series of steps that people need to complete the task defined in the Design Goals and Principles but only with words. Anything goes. I typically would add a story-map into this section.

If you don't know what a story-map is, this book is worth the read.

Use Case Narrative

Plain english version of everything we have discussed so far, from Overarching Goal, to Conceptual Flow, but told as a story. This part is really useful when you are having collaborative design sessions, as it doesn't require skill other than knowing how to read.

Collaborative Design or Competitive Analysis

The point of this box is to bring as many design divergent ideas as possible. Whereas it is filled with screenshots of how other products tackle the same problem you are trying to solve, or you brought stakeholders together to have a collaborative design session, this box is supposed to be full with multiple ideas.

For example, I typically do design studios with two rounds of individual idea generation and pitch, which help me see how different people think about solving the design goals set for this cycle.

Make sure to add some markup (coloured outlined boxes with a label on top of the designs work great) to highlight those recurring themes between different solutions.

Feature Frequency

I took this idea from one of my peers. When I pitched the idea of consolidating multiple divergent solutions into one, I used to mark them up with a digital tool, to visualise those patterns that were used the most. But my friend took it to the next level. He took that digital markup and laid it next to the designs and grouped the patterns by kind. Creating like a feature histogram of sorts.

Solution Flow

A story-map of how the solution is likely to look. This could look like a logical grouping of the features that got called out in the frequency chart, only this time they are organised by step (typically a page, screen or view in while performing a task).

Extra points if your flow can be associated with user stories in a tool like Jira, Trello or Airtable.
Extra points if your flow can be associated with user stories in a tool like Jira, Trello or Airtable.
Extra points if the design is linked or has references to a live repository like Zeplin or Abstract, where developers can see the the actual pixels between elements.
Extra points if the design is linked or has references to a live repository like Zeplin or Abstract, where developers can see the the actual pixels between elements.

Sketches, Wireframes or Low Fidelity Concept Design

This one might need little to no explanation. But this is the first graphic materialisation of the solution. They could be Hand drawn sketches, Balsamiq Mockups, wireframes without pixel perfection, alignment or colour. The bare minimum required to convey the idea to others without opening your mouth.

Extra points if your get meaningful stake-holder feedback at this level, and iterate accordingly.
Extra points if your get meaningful stake-holder feedback at this level, and iterate accordingly.
The solution flow story-map is a great tool to get early technical feasibility validation, so make sure you get together with developers at this stage and discuss what can be in scope for this cycle, and add the rest to the backlog.
The solution flow story-map is a great tool to get early technical feasibility validation, so make sure you get together with developers at this stage and discuss what can be in scope for this cycle, and add the rest to the backlog.

Final Designs

I called them design comps, other people call them wires, other people call them (high fidelity) designs. But this is the visual specification a developer will base development from.

Designs should be fleshed out enough so that you can perform a paper-prototype and do usability testing with it. Use feedback from these tests to refine the designs.
Designs should be fleshed out enough so that you can perform a paper-prototype and do usability testing with it. Use feedback from these tests to refine the designs.


Find below a couple of examples using the canvas.

A video that shows an example on how boxes are filled for a product that doesn't exist.

Activity Outline

How Long
Business Involved
Tech Involved
Design Involved

About the Author

Edgar is a Design Thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, Australia. His works extend a wide variety of company sizes, industries and sectors. You can check his Eddy's Portfolio, contact him for Mentoring or just to talk shop.

Reach out

Edgar Anzaldúa-Moreno
Design thinker especialising in Design Strategy, User Research, Service and Product Design based in Sydney, NSW.
This portfolio showcases my individual contributions to projects and includes both original content and designs developed by me in from 2015 to 2024. Copyright © 2024 Edgar Anzaldua-Moreno. All Rights Reserved. Wherever company-specific designs are featured, such designs remain the intellectual property of their respective companies and are displayed here solely for the purpose of demonstrating my professional experience and skills. This portfolio is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not imply ownership of company copyrighted designs.